Repairing a Cracked Tile

Cracked tiles can be an eyesore and a hazard in your bathroom. They can also lead to further damage to your flooring if not repaired promptly. If you have a cracked tile, don’t panic! It is a relatively easy repair that you can do yourself with a few simple tools and materials.

Step-by-Step Instructions


Gather materials:

  • New tile
  • Thin-set mortar
  • Grout
  • Grout float
  • Tile cutter
  • Safety glasses
  • Gloves


Prepare the area:

  • Remove any furniture or fixtures from the area.
  • Clean the area thoroughly with a degreaser.
  • Let the area dry completely.


Remove the cracked tile:

  • Wear safety glasses and gloves.
  • Use a tile cutter to score the grout around the cracked tile.
  • Carefully pry up the cracked tile with a chisel or flathead screwdriver.


Prepare the new tile:

  • Cut the new tile to the same size as the cracked tile.
  • Apply a thin layer of thin-set mortar to the back of the new tile.


Install the new tile:

  • Place the new tile in the hole left by the cracked tile.
  • Press down on the tile to secure it in place.
  • Let the thin-set mortar dry completely.


Grout the tile:

  • Mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Apply the grout to the joints between the tiles with a grout float.
  • Let the grout dry completely.


Clean up:

  • Wipe away any excess grout with a damp sponge.
  • Let the area dry completely.
  • Replace any furniture or fixtures.

With a little care and attention, you can repair a cracked tile and restore your bathroom flooring to its original beauty.